ARCS Facts

ARCS Foundation Seattle Facts 2024-2025

  • What does ARCS stand for?  Achievement Rewards for College Scientists
  • What does ARCS do? ARCS Foundation awards fellowships to US citizens pursuing PhD degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
  • Must a fellow be a US citizen?  Yes. ARCS National Foundation was founded in 1958 to strengthen science in America.
  • How many ARCS Foundation chapters are there?  15
  • How many universities are supported across the ARCS Foundation chapters?  52
  • What year was ARCS Seattle chapter founded?  1978 (in support of UW)
  • When did ARCS Foundation start supporting WSU?  2000
  • How many ARCS Seattle members are there? 61 active members
  • How many members are on the board?  17
  • How many fellows has ARCS Seattle supported since its founding? Over 1,600
  • How much has ARCS Seattle given to fellowships since its founding?  $23.9 M
  • How much is a fellowship?  $22,500 ($7,500 paid out each year for 3 years)
  • How many years is a fellowship?  3 years
  • How much did we award this year in fellowships?  $875,000
  • How many fellowships does ARCS sponsor at the UW currently?  117 (In 2008, ARCS Foundation was honored as a Presidential Laureate with donations exceeding $10 million.)
  • How many fellowships does ARCS sponsor at WSU currently?  35 (In 2009, WSU awarded ARCS Foundation Silver Laureate Status recognizing gifts over $1 million dollars.)
  • How much is an endowment?  $150,000 minimum contribution
  • How many endowments does the ARCS Foundation have? 63
  • How much has ARCS invested in endowments? Over $16 million
  • How many endowments are there for UW? 53 (totaling approx. $14.5 million)
  • How many endowments are for WSU? 10 (totaling $2.5 million)
  • How much are corporate sponsorship levels?  $25,000, $10,000, $5,000 and $2,500
  • What is a member’s financial annual contribution?  $1,250
  • Who is the Director of Operations? Jennifer Arnold (
  • Who is the Director of Development? (